What are led bulbs?
Led bulbs are energy efficient lamps that produce light using an electronic component called led (light emitting diode).
This is an American invention that dates back a long way, in 1962. The led is a diode, a semiconductor component “of the same family as those used in solar panels and chips for PCs and smartphones capable of emitting light of a specific color (it’s called “coherent light”) which depends on the type of material used, not by the color of the light source: light emitted have the color that you see and is derived from the energy released from electrons undergo an electrical current.
Led bulbs save you really?
Yes, led bulbs save you in two ways: directly, on electricity bills and indirectly since their duration, divided by the purchase price, has a more favorable ratio than traditional incandescent bulbs. A led lamp lasts up to 50 times more than a traditional bulb but it costs 50 times more. In practice, in terms of money saving can exceed 80%.
What is the energy efficiency of led bulbs?
Led bulbs belong to the best energy rating available – the a. According to the manufacturing technology could be in class A, A + or A ++. By way of comparison, consider that the energy saving lamps are class B or, at most, A. Halogen lamps are in class C or d.
How are led bulbs?
Led bulbs are completely different from those at filament (tungsten) and energy saving ones (that contain noble gases neon, helium or Xenon type over mercury vapor). Led bulbs use a electronic chip called led diode (see above) consists of nano particles of synthetic sapphire and gallium, sliced paper thin, overlapping layers and then mounted on a ceramic base. This is the element that produces the light.
How long do led bulbs?
The producers give a duration of up to 50 thousand hours against 1,000 of an incandescent bulb. Unlike traditional lamps, burning, led bulbs tend to lose brightness. Nothing dramatic, however: an led light bulb loses about 3% of its light within the first 3 thousand hours of operation, then remains virtually constant. The regulations prescribe that the milestone of 50 thousand hours of operation the led light bulbs have yet to have a brightness of at least 70% of the rated value. Doing the math, a led light bulb that glows for 8 hours a day will last about 17 years.